Why donate?

This website is completely free. Running a website and creating new content takes up a lot of time. The website of Michael Morten Sonne/Sonne´s Cloud is a non-profit website, created to share interesting content and thoughts and help others.

Running a website and creating new content takes up a lot of time. If you think that the work I did, did help you and you want to help me keeping up this work, you are welcome to donate to my buymeacoffee.com account. I am happy for every donation I get. And of course, you don’t have to. I also appreciate sharing and commenting on my blog, which gives me always a lot of motivation.

Feel free to support my blog via a donation. With the donated money it is possible to keep the website free without any paywall or additional payment service for the content and launch new free services.

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Use the following link for the Buy me a Coffee donation page.

By Credit card or Wallet

Use the following link for the donation page.

Of course you are also welcome to buy me a beer, next time you see me 🙃

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